Get help with school uniform costs

Are you entitled to help with your school uniform costs?
The school uniform grant is a scheme set up by the Government to help support parents with the cost of buying new school uniforms for their children.
It is offered to families on low incomes to help them manage their budget when they need to prepare their children for a new year at school.
A School Uniform Grant could get you up to £200 off the bill for the new academic year and this never has to be paid back.

The Education Act 1980
As part of the Education Act 1980, you may be entitled to certain types of financial help, depending on your financial circumstances.
Some local councils do provide help with the cost of school clothing but this is not a statutory duty.
Only households earning less than £16,190 a year can claim.
How much you can claim depends on where you live, so check with your council’s website for more information.
Regrettably, If your child attends an Academy, you won't qualify as these schools are independent but you could approach the school directly for help.
First step, Check if your local council provides help with the cost of school uniform, including coats, shoes and sports kit including footwear.
Then, If your council does not offer help, ask your child’s school directly as they sometimes have a fund for such situations.
When should I apply?
Generally, applications can only be made between 30 June and 30 September - however it's worth double checking these dates with your local authority as they have the discretion to change these dates.
To claim the grant, you must receive one of these benefits:
Income support Job seeker's allowance (income based)
Child tax credit - provided you are not entitled to working tax credit
Employment Support allowance (ESA)
State pension - this benefit must be your sole source of income
Support under Part IV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
Universal Credit
For Wrexaham
Anyone eligible for free school meals and in the following year groups will qualify for the grant:
Entering reception class in primary school
Entering school years 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11
In a special school, special needs resource base or pupil referral unit and are aged 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 15.
For any looked after children of compulsory school age who are not receiving free school meals, please email for an application form.
Get Help and Information Nationwide
Pupil Development Grant (PDG) Wrexham
There may be other sources of help in addition to those mentioned above so please don’t give up.