Appointment booking

Making an appointment.
In the interest of safety for both our staff and customers we have decided to continue with our appointment scheme after the open-up date the 19th July until further notice.
Numbers in the shop are still limited to eight and that includes children, and only those with appointments will be permitted into the shop. Please refer to this important Government document and take particular attention to the paragraph named WORK. For parents that must attend the shop with one child we have allocated 15 minutes.
Book my appointment for one parent with one child.
For parents that must attend the shop with two children we have allocated 30 minutes.
Book my appointment for one parent with two or more children.
Preparing to visit our shop.
Know your size:
Appointments will be limited to an exact time so being punctual and best prepared from the start will help you complete your order efficiently and in good time.
Please try your best to have your child’s measurements to hand and the quantities required noted when you attend.
Most parents that have existing students will have a good idea of sizes making their purchase quick and easy.
For help with your size selection please look at our Size Guide.
We also have a Video Guide on how to measure your child for school uniform.
Buying On-Line
At present on-line ordering remains the most frequently used method of purchase and we are pleased to be able to provide a same day despatch for the majority, we kindly ask that orders are placed before 2pm to give our warehouse team time to pick and pack your order.
We endeavour to get products to you without delay, but we politely ask for your understanding should the situation change.
Click & Collect.
Our click and collect facility is proving exceptionally popular and customers attending this area are kindly asked to comply with social distancing rules.